If you have always cut your own hair and are often complimented on your shave, and you think that you could make money doing this for others, it's time to look at barber-school options. There is a lot of money in the field of cosmetology and hair cutting, and you could be setting up a lifetime business by going to school and getting licensed.

The requirements for training will vary between states. Find a local barber and get started with your training. If you are worried about money, look into the following options.

Financial Aid

There are many schools that accept federal student aid if you can fill out the application and get approved. To fill out the application, you will need your past earnings information, or your parents' information, depending on on your age. Not only do you need to fill this out to get a grant, but you also need to fill this application out if you want to take out a federal student loan. Make sure to fill out the application honestly and get it in so you can see how much assistance you qualify for.

Tuition Options

Some schools want you to pay at the beginning of each semester or before the semester begins, and others might be comfortable with monthly payment plans. Look into these options and see whether you can set up payments and make a payment plan work so you can get through school. This may be the best option if you don't qualify for aid but currently have a job.

Bank Loans

If you already use a bank for checking and savings accounts, see if you can get a student credit card or a student loan to pay for the schooling. The bank may want you to start paying on the loan right away, but if this is the only way to get the training you need to start working toward a solid and reliable income, it's worth the monthly payment.

There are barber schools that will teach you how to cut, that will allow you to learn the laws of hair cutting in your state, and that can place you in a training program where you get to work on real clients. Talk with the admissions adviser at a couple of different barber colleges to see whether you can get in with your grades from high school or your GED and to see how much tuition and supplies are going to cost. 
